Category: Blog

Castagnole, Italian Carnival dessert

Carnival in Italy: Famous Regional Dishes to Celebrate

The most famous dishes of Carnival in Italy: Frittelle, Zeppole, and more. This guide explores the regional dishes that fuel the Carnival celebrations across Italy. You know Carnival season has arrived in Italy when...

Classic Italian Meal Structure

Classic Italian Meal Structure

Meat the Classic Italian Meal Structure, told by those who live in Italy! Italy’s traditional meals often consisted of 4 or 5 courses. Meals tend to be longer than in other cultures because, especially...

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How to Make Homemade Strutto and “Ciccioli”

Learn how to make homemade Strutto, a fat perfect for frying and cooking. The procedure is very simple, anyone can prepare it at home. Strutto is made from pork fat and is indispensable for...