First, peel and finely chop the onion.
In a large skillet (where you will prepare the risotto), add 20 g of butter and bone marrow. Melt over medium heat, then add the onion and sauté for 1–2 minutes, until it begins to become translucent.
Add the rice. Toast the rice for half a minute over medium-high heat while constantly stirring. This step will allow you to obtain an al dente risotto with intact grains!
Add the white wine. Let it fully evaporate.
Then lower the heat and begin adding the hot broth, one ladle at a time, stirring often and adding more broth each time the risotto is about to dry out! Be sure the broth is hot, otherwise everything will overcook.
Finally, when the rice is al dente, add the saffron threads (or if using pistils, add the 2 teaspoons of orange-colored filtered water you soaked the pistils in the night before). Stir very well over low heat.
Season with salt. At this stage, the risotto should not be liquid, but cooked and dry.
Add the remaining butter and grated Parmesan, stir with a spoon over off heat so that the saffron Milanese risotto becomes creamy! Add only 1 or 2 teaspoons of hot broth if the rice seems too dry. The final risotto should be soft and creamy.
Serve the Milanese risotto immediately!