Cut the slices of veal into pieces of the same size (about 8×5 cm).
Flour a tray or a baking sheet large enough to hold the meat pieces (or several smaller baking sheets).
Place the pieces of meat on the baking sheet so that they are floured only at the bottom.
To each slice of veal add a piece of ham, slightly smaller than the size of the meat.
Place a sage leaf in the center and tie it to the meat and ham with a toothpick.
Heat oil over low heat in a large skillet and add the veal bites. Heat over medium heat for about 40 seconds until it starts to brown.
Add 1-2 tablespoons of white wine and raise the heat slightly. Cook for about 60 seconds over medium heat, swirling the pan and making sure the sauce covers the surface of the meat. Repeat cooking instructions with the remaining meat if necessary.
Arrange the cooked Saltimbocca on a serving dish. Keep warm while you prepare the sauce.
Add a tablespoon of butter to the same pan and melt over low heat, mixing with the meat juices, until a creamy sauce forms. This will take a few seconds.
Pour the sauce over the hot Saltimbocca, and add salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot.